
Michelangelo - Canvas Prints

Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) was an artist of all trades, a sculptor, an architect, a poet and an engineer. You can't talk about art without mentioning Michelangelo. He was born in Tuscany, Italy to a family of small scale bankers. He was sent to study under the humanist Francesco da Urbino but showed more interest in copying church paintings and drawing. At thirteen he was apprenticed to a painter for proper instruction. He learned much about architecture and designed the Laurentian Library among many other structures. At the age of 21 he started taking large projects such as a life size statue of the Roman Wine God, which ended with being rejected by the Cardinal of the time. One of his most famous pieces, the Pieta was commissioned in 1497 by the French Ambassador. He was asked to finish a work that had been in the undertaking for some forty years and this is how the Statue of David transpired. He was known as an architect and had two biographies written about him while he was still alive, a very unique fact to say the least. He designed the dome for St. Peter's Basilica and it was still in the works when he passed away. Rome garnered much of Michelangelo's attention. He spent forty years off and on working on the Pope's tomb and was said to never have completed it to his satisfaction. It was during this period he took the commission for the Sistine Chapel ceiling. While most people speculate it took a large number of years to create, it was just four years in the works. Michelangelo triggered the next major art movement of the time, Mannerism.

Showing 12 of 12 products
The Creation of Adam, C.1510Michelangelo
Canvas. Paper
9 sizes available
Creation Of Adam by Michelangelo canvas print
Creation Of AdamMichelangelo
Canvas. Paper
8 sizes available
The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo canvas print
The Creation of AdamMichelangelo
5 sizes available
The Creation of Adam V by Michelangelo canvas print
The Creation of Adam VMichelangelo
5 sizes available
Creation of Adam by Michelangelo canvas print
Creation of AdamMichelangelo
5 sizes available
Sistine Chapel: The Last Judgement (Detail Of Upper Half) by Michelangelo canvas print
Sistine Chapel: The Last Judgement (Detail Of Upper Half)Michelangelo
Canvas. Paper
5 sizes available
Pieta by Michelangelo canvas print
Canvas. Paper
9 sizes available
Creazione di Adamo, Detail by Michelangelo canvas print
Creazione di Adamo, DetailMichelangelo
4 sizes available
The Creation of the Sun, Moon and Vegetation, 1511 by Michelangelo canvas print
The Creation of the Sun, Moon and Vegetation, 1511Michelangelo
Canvas. Paper
9 sizes available
David by Michelangelo canvas print
Canvas. Paper
9 sizes available
Creazione di Adamo by Michelangelo canvas print
Creazione di AdamoMichelangelo
1 size available
The Last Judgment (detail: Mary and Christ), 1536-1541 by Michelangelo canvas print
The Last Judgment (detail: Mary and Christ), 1536-1541Michelangelo
Canvas. Paper
9 sizes available