Edgar Degas - Canvas Prints
Edgar Degas (1834-1917) is a high profile name in the field of artistry. His name is very much prominent and attached with the history of impressionism. He was one of the early founders of the movement; however, he later on decided that he would rather be called a realist. He was a great artist, print-maker, and sculpture. Degas was indeed a deep thinker, and it can be easily seen in his drawings. He is well known for his depiction of dancers and female nudes throughout his artwork. He drew uncountable art pieces on the subject of dancing; more than half of his entire work. Edgar Degas was greatly influenced by Edouard Manet, Even today, around the globe there are numerous museums where high class paintings by Edgar Degas can be witnessed. While he was alive, public response to the work of Degas was mixed, and the artist was not very popular until his death. Modern appreciation of his work could be witnessed when in 2008, his work titled "Danseuse au repos", or "Dancers at rest", was auctioned for $37 Million.
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