Butcher Billy Hero

Butcher Billy - Canvas Prints

Butcher Billy creates digital art of famous faces dressed as superheroes and other popular characters, including some available exclusively as Limited Edition prints. Reimagining his childhood heroes as pop culture icons, he incorporates subjects on graphic novel covers or boldly outlined against brightly colored backgrounds. Making his artwork a great way to create a vivid atmosphere with comic book vibes. He’s worked with clients like Netflix, Marvel, and Sony Pictures, and we’re proud to partner with Butcher Billy to make his creations available to iCanvas shoppers.

Each Limited Edition print comes with a Certificate of Authenticity, including your print’s edition number and the artist’s signature. 

Click here to discover more about Butcher Billy on the iCanvas blog.

Showing 50 of 353 products
How Hard You Hit by Butcher Billy canvas print
How Hard You HitButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Acrylic. Metal
8 sizes available
Fly by Butcher Billy canvas print
FlyButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Acrylic. Metal
9 sizes available
Shining Sunglasses by Butcher Billy canvas print
Shining SunglassesButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Acrylic. Metal
9 sizes available
Find What You Love by Butcher Billy canvas print
Find What You LoveButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Acrylic. Metal
9 sizes available
The Pulp Virgin by Butcher Billy canvas print
The Pulp VirginButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Acrylic. Metal
9 sizes available
The Punch by Butcher Billy canvas print
The PunchButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Metal
9 sizes available
The Killing Joke by Butcher Billy canvas print
The Killing JokeButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Acrylic. Metal
9 sizes available
Rebel Rebel by Butcher Billy canvas print
Rebel RebelButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Acrylic. Metal
9 sizes available
Seduced by the Dark Side by Butcher Billy canvas print
Seduced by the Dark SideButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Acrylic. Metal
9 sizes available
Rehab Wonder by Butcher Billy canvas print
Rehab WonderButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Acrylic. Metal
9 sizes available
Eyes Without a Face by Butcher Billy canvas print
Eyes Without a FaceButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Acrylic. Metal
8 sizes available
The Post-Punk Face-Off by Butcher Billy canvas print
The Post-Punk Face-OffButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Acrylic. Metal
9 sizes available
Bulletproof by Butcher Billy canvas print
BulletproofButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Acrylic. Metal
8 sizes available
Space Oddity by Butcher Billy canvas print
Space OddityButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Acrylic. Metal
9 sizes available
Walk Through The Fire by Butcher Billy canvas print
Walk Through The FireButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Acrylic. Metal
9 sizes available
Moonage Daydream by Butcher Billy canvas print
Moonage DaydreamButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Acrylic. Metal
9 sizes available
Post-Punk Super by Butcher Billy canvas print
Post-Punk SuperButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Acrylic. Metal
9 sizes available
The Painter by Butcher Billy canvas print
The PainterButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Acrylic. Metal
9 sizes available
Supersonic Man by Butcher Billy canvas print
Supersonic ManButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Acrylic. Metal
9 sizes available
PowderMyNose by Butcher Billy canvas print
PowderMyNoseButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Metal
9 sizes available
Post-Punk Dark by Butcher Billy canvas print
Post-Punk DarkButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Acrylic. Metal
9 sizes available
Close To Me by Butcher Billy canvas print
Close To MeButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Acrylic. Metal
9 sizes available
Lust 4 Life by Butcher Billy canvas print
Lust 4 LifeButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Acrylic. Metal
9 sizes available
Bacon And Eggs by Butcher Billy canvas print
Bacon And EggsButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Acrylic. Metal
9 sizes available
Ceci nest pas un artiste by Butcher Billy canvas print
Ceci nest pas un artisteButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Acrylic. Metal
8 sizes available
Mad Women by Butcher Billy canvas print
Mad WomenButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Metal
9 sizes available
Ultra Milky Violence by Butcher Billy canvas print
Ultra Milky ViolenceButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Acrylic. Metal
9 sizes available
We Can Be Rebels by Butcher Billy canvas print
We Can Be RebelsButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Metal
9 sizes available
Are We Not Plumbers - Crack That Whip by Butcher Billy canvas print
Are We Not Plumbers - Crack That WhipButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Acrylic. Metal
7 sizes available
Pictures by Butcher Billy canvas print
PicturesButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Acrylic. Metal
9 sizes available
The Shot by Butcher Billy canvas print
The ShotButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Metal
9 sizes available
Chill by Butcher Billy canvas print
ChillButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Metal
9 sizes available
American GhosticButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Metal
9 sizes available
Rocket Man by Butcher Billy canvas print
Rocket ManButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Metal
8 sizes available
Fashion by Butcher Billy canvas print
FashionButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Acrylic. Metal
9 sizes available
Death Will Tremble by Butcher Billy canvas print
Death Will TrembleButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Metal
9 sizes available
The InnocentButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Metal
9 sizes available
A Forest by Butcher Billy canvas print
A ForestButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Acrylic. Metal
9 sizes available
Hollywood by Butcher Billy canvas print
HollywoodButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Metal
9 sizes available
Dali Batman by Butcher Billy canvas print
Dali BatmanButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Acrylic. Metal
9 sizes available
Every Breath You Take by Butcher Billy canvas print
Every Breath You TakeButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Metal
9 sizes available
Sharpen You Up by Butcher Billy canvas print
Sharpen You UpButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Metal
9 sizes available
David by Butcher Billy canvas print
DavidButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Metal
9 sizes available
Just Like Heaven by Butcher Billy canvas print
Just Like HeavenButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Metal
9 sizes available
The Killing Joke - The B&W Edit by Butcher Billy canvas print
The Killing Joke - The B&W EditButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Acrylic. Metal
9 sizes available
The Little Thing by Butcher Billy canvas print
The Little ThingButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Metal
9 sizes available
The Pressure by Butcher Billy canvas print
The PressureButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Metal
9 sizes available
Maneater by Butcher Billy canvas print
ManeaterButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Metal
9 sizes available
Post-Punk Wonder by Butcher Billy canvas print
Post-Punk WonderButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Metal
9 sizes available
Are We Not Plumbers - Give the Past a Slip by Butcher Billy canvas print
Are We Not Plumbers - Give the Past a SlipButcher Billy
Canvas. Paper. Metal
6 sizes available