Art 101

Benefits of Art: How Humorous Art Can Improve Your Health

While we often connect laughter to having a fun time, it’s also extremely beneficial to your overall well-being. We all know the saying, ‘laughter is the best medicine’ – well, there’s actually some truth to that! From relaxing your mind to healing your body, having a good chuckle can bring a delightful dose of emotional and physical benefits. If you want to improve your health and bring more happiness to your space, surrounding yourself with humorous art can be a great way to enhance your quality of life.

Benefits of Humorous Art

Whether it’s watching a hilarious video on social media, sharing jokes with friends, or reading something snicker worthy, laughter is something we experience everyday and it’s helping us more than we realize. Ranging from positive bodily reactions to brainy benefits, humor comes with a mix of advantages.

Having a good ‘ol belly laugh can give you some instant physical relief. That’s because when we’re doubling up with giggles, we’re stimulating circulation in our lungs and taking in more oxygen. So, a joyous bout of chuckling can actually exercise your diaphragm, ease the tension in your muscles, and even lower your blood pressure. Not only can this give you an immediate feeling of refreshment in the moment, but it can also help out your body in the long term. 

In addition to providing benefits to your physical well-being, it can also help you mentally. Just like smiling boosts your mood with the release of feel-good chemicals, laughter has a similar effect. Releasing a hysterical howl at something comical can actually lower levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. This can result in a more peaceful and calm mindset, along with a more positive outlook.

Improve Your Health with Humorous Art

Even if you aren’t attending a comedy show or chatting with a funny friend everyday, you can still reap the same health benefits by adding humorous art to your home. Filling your space with something laugh-worthy is a great way to create an uplifting environment for not only yourself, but also for others when they visit your home. 

From giving yourself a reason to smile on a bad day to making your guests feel extra comfortable and joyous, decorating with humorous art can be beneficial to everyone. Whether you want something to smirk at each day or want to see something that makes you immediately shriek with delight, we have a variety of artwork that will give you those happy feelings. 

No matter what type of joke or scene tickles your funny bone, keep scrolling to find the style of humor that resonates with you.

Puns to Make You Chuckle

“Very Punny IX” by Arrolynn Weiderhold 

If a play on words sparks a chuckle for you, these punny prints are perfect for creating a humorously healthy space. Whether it’s an obvious silly saying or witty words that make you stop and think, this artwork can provide pun-limited amusement. 

Click here to see more puns and funny typography art on iCanvas.

Family Friendly Funnies for All

Whether you have kids or simply connect with jokes that are more universally enjoyed, our family friendly prints are wonderful for an innocent giggle. No matter if it’s an adorably silly animal or a goofy phrase that’ll make everyone bust a gut, these prints are a fun way to bring a lighthearted laugh to your space.

Click here to see animal humor art on iCanvas that’s funny for all ages.

Unexpectedly Hilarious Prints 

“Coffee With Milk” by Pawel Kuczynski

Sometimes imagery that takes you off guard can be the funniest thing in the world. From weird and surprising sentences to shocking combinations worth a cackle, these prints can provide a dose of unexpected humor, making for a delightfully interesting space.

Click here to see more unexpected laughs with satirical humor art on iCanvas.

Crude Humor for the 18+ Crowd

“Kbye Purple” by Pepino de Mar

If inappropriate, and sometimes vulgar, humor is more your style, these crude prints will split your sides. Whether you love hilariously bold curse words, raunchy imagery, or a touch of innuendos, this selection of art is a great match for adults wanting to let off steam with a mature laugh.

Click here to see more crude humor art on iCanvas.

Want to see even more comical and entertaining art? From chucklesome sentiments to pawsitively humorous pets to goofy food characters, keep scrolling to check out other LOL-worthy prints.

Still didn’t find anything that cracks you up? Browse the 16,000+ humor art prints on iCanvas.

Limited Edition Art Features

The following prints featured in this blog are available only as Limited Editions. Click-through to shop these prints while they last!