5 Questions With Deandra Lee
iCanvas artist Deandra Lee’s portfolio of surreal and mysterious portraits capture the eye and won’t let you turn away. Using editing to bring her vision to life, the young photographer’s work blurs the line between reality and fantasy. We’re proud to offer their work on iCanvas and wanted to take a minute to introduce you to the human behind the art.

Keep reading to get a taste of what inspires their work, the style of music they create to, and other artists they appreciate. You might be surprised to learn what you have in common!

Who are 5 of your current favorite artists, living or dead?
Rene Magritte, Qwaya, Will Yu, Jules Bastien, Maria Svarbova
What band or musician would you listen to while creating your art?
BTS, Keshi, DPR Live, Cheese, Urban Zakapa, Samui, Ruel
If you could master any other form of creative expression, what would it be?
What is one person, one place, and one object that inspires you?
BTS, home, a flower
What is something about you that others may be surprised to learn?
That I don’t use photoshop, I only use an app on my phone to edit my artwork.
Check out some of Deandra Lee’s creations below, and click here to view their full iCanvas collection.